Fast Company Features JLab Audio's President

We're pumped to see the boss man featured in Fast Company's article '3 COMPANY CULTURE RULES THAT WILL SAVE YOUR STARTUP FROM IMPLOSION.'

JLab Audio's history as a startup company has earned JLab President, Win Cramer, to share his thoughts on Fast Company's recent article on the importance of culture in the early stages of a company. Cramer is quoted:

"Weed out those that don’t fit, fast. Nothing can be more problematic to the culture of a corporation that’s growing fast than the person that just doesn’t fit in. I’ve made this mistake and hung on too long, and it bit me in the ass."

At JLab Audio, we are fortunate enough to live, eat and breath a structure that allows us to maintain our individuality, yet stay focused on our corporate structure set in place. With Win's leadership, corporate culture standards that are set, and ability to make tough decisions has lead to JLab's increased success year by year. As JLab is rapidly growing, we are constantly reminded where we started. We are proof that if you can dream it, you can do it. #RockitOut 


To read more, you can find this article on Fast Company's website, or click here.